Calendars, Planners and Almanacs

Life is ruled by calendars and planners it seems.  We record, document and schedule everything on our calendars or in those planners.  I have a file cabinet filled with past calendars because milestones and landmarks dot the pages and I know when I get around to scrapbooking the photo's, I'll need reminders of the who, what, when and where.  We spend a small fortune on our planners from beloved artists, designers and photographers and it feels wrong to toss them at the end of the year.  My latest obsession is Rae Dunn designs. Yes, I buy the stupid mugs, desk organizers, kitchen canisters and even paper pads that simply say "Lists".   I own several of her day planners, I LOVE the font. It's clean and tidy.  My life isn't. So, in my attempt to organize and tidy life, I like to believe the clean white back grounds and simple font will somehow transfer over.  Not yet, not by a long shot.  But I will keep buying the mugs.  (Sorry, not sorry)

In 2022 I also bought my first "Artists Almanac"  because initially I've always loved simple desk calendars and it featured art from some of my favorite mixed media artists.  Folks like Seth Apter, Tina Walker, Ann Barnes, DeeDee Cantron.  The intention for the almanac was simple.  Use it for fodder.  But I couldn't bear to tear up the pages..yet.  For the 2024 year I feel a need to use what I own in my creating.  Be it scrapbooking, art journaling, ATC and Memorydex, I'm determined use what I have to create, build and play. That includes tearing up those Artist Almanacs I've saved.  And where will I create?  In my 2022 day planner!!

I started with January 13 2022 (hubby's birthday and totally out of order)  I loved the blues and botanical vibe.. grabbed a book page and fell blindly down the rabbithole.  I didn't "think" I allowed myself to grab and use what ever my hand fell upon.   There was absolutely no "PLANNING" on trashing this planner page.  And I love it.

My only self imposed restriction was to pull from my bucket of odds and ends.  Scraps of paper, unfinished rub ons, bits and bobs you might say..   Oddly, my "creation" reflects very little from the almanac page I chose.  I turned on some tunes, sometimes I walked away while paint or glue dried.  But by the end of playing I felt deeply satisfied.  

It was time to walk away and clean up the mess.  I've made it thru the holidays, it's time to pull out the paper scraps again and get messy.  Santa brought me Artist Almanac 2024, I need to get busy! 


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